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Not your average mom..

“Even when I’m a mess, I still put on a vest with an S on my chest oh yes, I’m a Superwoman!” The lyrics that come to mind when I think about this Queen. It’s that time of the month again y’all where we celebrate another entrepreneur making boss moves and I think it is safe to say that this month's Faith Fitz First Friday Spotlight Business owner is not your average mom.

If there was ever a person, I thought had a clone walking these streets it would have to be LaToya Keaton. How else would it explain that there truly is only 24 hours in one day with so much being accomplished? I have watched LaToya over the years in sheer awe of how she seamlessly manages being a mom, business owner and a vessel in her community. She personifies the true definition of support in all aspects of the word. Whether LaToya is cheering from the stands as her son Tyler is crushing it on the football field or making their team shirts, helping her son Kameron with his latest science project or having a proud mama moment watching her daughter Khari dance across the stages in her dance recitals; she is always present and encouraging her children to follow the passions of their hearts.

She leads her children by her own example through the hard work she has dedicated to launching two successful apparel businesses: TKTK apparel and more, My Roots Incorporated and as a Vice President of the non-profit organization Not Your Average Moms Club.

The TKTK apparel and more collection specializes in customized apparel, tote bags, personalized mugs, pillows, license plates, cups, door mats you name it she can make it, while My Roots Incorporated is LaToya’s signature brand that was founded and incorporated in 2020. The roots of LaToya’s ancestors are woven into each fabric as she pays homage to her grandparents Mack and Daisy Walker. The anchor representing her grandfather that was in the navy intertwined with strawberries which reminds LaToya of younger days when her grandmother picked strawberries to make her and her cousins' strawberry dumplings; all being held together by an orange banner that waves proudly representing her late father Vance Walker who passed away on December 7, 2016, after a 25-year battle with Multiple Sclerosis.

You would think with juggling sports, recitals, school projects and two businesses there wouldn’t be room left to fit anything else in such a busy schedule but, LaToya still manages to make her community a priority. As a Vice President of the non-profit organization Not Your Average Moms Club, LaToya dedicates her time, energy, positive vibes and resources to her local community. A true service leader, LaToya is passionate about being a blessing to the next person. Through this organization founded by Octavia King, LaToya and 10 other full-time moms rally together to bring mothers and children together one day at a time. Since the organization’s inception in 2015, Not Your Average Moms Club has hosted back to school events, free clothes giveaways, food giveaways and assisted in relief projects for victims that were affected by natural disasters. NYAM is always looking for volunteers to assist with their efforts of giving back to the community. To participate in an upcoming Not Your Average Moms Club event or support via donation please send email to:

For all of your personalized apparel needs or to purchase your official My Roots Inc, branded items please contact: LaToya Keaton

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Arsenio V
Arsenio V
Aug 06, 2022

Toya really be out here doing a week worth of things in a single day. She definitely has a clone 😅 💪🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

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