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Let Freedom Ring

Faith Fitz First Friday Business Spotlight

Driving for Uber I tend to connect with some pretty amazing people. This past Sunday I connected with a dope young entrepreneur. He opened the door for conversation checking out the set up I have for my rideshare customers saying, "you must do this full time", in which I replied with a slight laugh, no very part time. He then asked me if I had any hobbies on the side that I like doing like making bracelets where I could generate more revenue on the side while driving my customers from destination to destination.

I could tell by the conversation quickly that I was speaking to a fellow entrepreneur. So, I asked what he does for work. He proceeded to tell me about his business and how he discovered a hobby of his could actually become a very fulfilling career that could provide him true freedom. I was so impressed by our conversation that I told him about Faith Fitz You and how I use this platform once a month to celebrate other entrepreneurs. So, today on the First Friday of the month I would like to celebrate: Spiral Artifacts

Malcom's Story

It was the fall of 2017 when Malcolm began making copper wire rings as a hobby. He didn't think of it too much because at the time making jewelry was a way to just feed his creativity. It wasn't until the Spring of 2018 while attending a festival in downtown Columbia, SC that he discovered he could turn this newfound passion into profit.

Malcom was checking out a woman's booth who was doing wire wrapping. The young lady noticed the ring he was wearing and wanted to buy it. To his surprise a light bulb went off and that very night he ordered his first set of wire and stone, and his new career began.

Tho Malcom enjoys wire wrapping making custom jewelry pieces by hand. He is a true artist at heart and a versatile one at that! Malcom wants to embark on all forms of art using his jewelry business as an anchor to support it all. When it's all said and done, all Malcom wishes to do is inspire through his creative expression.

To support Malcom and his business see information below: Spiral Artifacts IG: Email: Phone: 704-934-1692

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